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1271 人参与  2011年11月19日 02:16  分类 : 电泳工艺 电泳原理  评论

Why Electrocoat


Because of the marked advantages of electrodeposition, the process has, during the last two decades, become the dominant method for priming automobiles. A listing of the advantages of electrodeposition clearly explains the reasons for its spectacular success. 由于电泳涂装具有明显的优点, 此工艺在过去的20年中已成为汽车涂底漆的最主要方法。以下的电泳涂装优点清楚地说明了它获得惊人成功的原因。
Formation of protective films in highly recessed areas such as flanges and box sections provides critical corrosion protection. 电泳漆在非常隐蔽的部位,如翻边以及箱式结构,仍能形成完整的保护膜,从而得到较高的防腐蚀性。 Transfer efficiencies of better than 95% result in reduced paint waste, especially when compared with spray-applied coatings. 尤其与喷涂法相比,涂料利用率能达到95%以上,减少了涂料的浪费。 Use of water as practically the only carrier virtually eliminates fire hazard, materially reduces water and air pollution, and markedly reduces the cost of facilities for controlling these conditions. 使用水做载体,免除了火灾危险。 大大降低了水和空气的污染,明显地减少了环保设备费用。 The low paint bath viscosity (approximately equal to that of water) results in ease of pumping and allows drainage of the coated vehicle. 槽液粘度低(大约等于水的粘度),泵送容易,也利于被涂车身的沥干。 Freshly-deposited paint is insoluble in water, permitting complete rinsing and recovery of dragged-out material. 刚沉积电泳上的漆不溶于水, 允许彻底清洗,且可回收带出的槽液。 Uncured paint is dry enough to allow some handling. 未固化的漆膜不粘手,甚至可以作某些处理。 Unlike spray coatings, electrodeposited paint will not sag during baking. 不象喷涂的涂膜,电泳沉积的涂膜在烘干时不流掛。 Unlike dip coatings, electrodeposited paint is not washed off in enclosed areas by hot vapors during curing. 与浸法涂装不同,电泳沉积在内腔部位的涂膜,在烘干过程中不会被热蒸汽洗掉。 Since the process is automated, direct labor costs are markedly reduced. 由于生产过程自动化, 大大降低了直接劳动成本。 The deposited film is reproducible from part to part and from day to day. 电泳工艺稳定,可保证漆膜均一涂于工件上。 The electrochemical process of depositing paint appears, at first examination, quite complicated; however, it is actually more trouble-free than other paint application processes for several reasons: 电泳涂装法问世后,第一次考验是相当复杂的,但由于下列几个理由,实际上掌握它并不比其它涂装方法难。 The large tank volume tends to minimize variations in paint or process. 槽的容量很大, 使涂料或工艺参数的波动减少到最小。 The operating parameters are well defined and are based on extensive experience. 操作工艺参数已有明确的规定,且是以丰富的经验为基础。 Samples from the tank, which are tested weekly at the PPG Electrocoat Laboratory, often predict problems before they appear on the line. PPG电泳漆实验室每周从槽中取的样品做实验,常常是在生产线上出现问题之前就能预报。 Since the PPG Electrocoat Laboratory constitutes a controlled environment, the following controls permit close monitoring of the commercial-scale process: 由于PPG电泳漆实验室时监控实验室,可以实现以下对工业规模的工艺过程的严密控制。 A variety of metal substrates can be coated to permit extensive examination of differing conditions. 可以涂装各种各样的金属底材,且可进行不同条件的严格考验。 Several tanks can be easily cross-compared. 可以容易的对几个槽进行相互比较。 Close anode-cathode distances in the coating tubes that are used in the electrocoat laboratory can be employed to magnify problems experienced in the field. 在电泳实验室使用的试验槽中,调近阳极-阴极间距可用来放大在这方面经常出现的问题。
Although the advantages of the electrodeposition process far outweigh disadvantages, some limitations exist. Electrodeposition can take place only on electrically-conductive substrates. When a unit is coated and baked, the electrodeposition of a second coat is impossible with standard electrocoat products. Thus, electrodeposition is used mainly for the application of prime coats. Application of a variety of color coats requires separate dip tanks. 虽然电泳的优点比缺点多,但是还是有一些局限性。电泳工艺只能用在导电的底材上;当涂装的物体烘干后。 不可能进行第二次电泳涂装。因此,电泳涂装主要被用来涂底漆;涂不同的颜色涂膜要在不同的槽中进行。


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