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1313 人参与  2012年02月16日 00:00  分类 : 电泳设备 电泳设备工艺  评论

Recirculated D I Water Rinse                       循环去离子水

The recirculated DI or R.O. rinse achieves maximum usage from the final water rinse.  The design dimensions for the recirculated DI water rinse are the same as those for the recirculated ultrafiltrate rinses. However, modifications are necessary to protect carbon steel from the highly corrosive deionized water. 循环去离子水和反渗透水的冲洗可以是最后的去离子水冲洗发挥最大的作用,循环去离子水冲洗的设计尺寸与循环超滤液洗相同。然而,有必要作些改进,以防止碳钢受到高腐蚀性的去离子水腐蚀。 All pumps, piping, filter vessels, the rinse reservoir, and the housing must be made of 304 or 305 stainless steel or PVC or CPVC. 所有的泵,管路,过滤器,冲洗液循环槽及壳体必须用304或305不锈钢或PVC,CPVC材料制造。 The fresh DI water rinse can be placed immediately after the last header in the DI recirculating rinse. A delay of only 10-20 seconds is required before the application of the fresh DI water rinse. Fresh DI water should be supplied at the rate of 3.0 gallons (11.34 liters)/minute per 100 ft2 9.3M2) /minute. 新鲜的去离子水洗可以紧接着循环去离子水的喷管之后布置,在新鲜去离子水洗之前,只需10-20秒的沥水时间。新鲜去离子水供给量应为3.0加仑(11.34升)/分/100平方英尺(9.3m2)/分。 After DI water rinsing and before baking, a drain time of 5 minutes with an elevation change is recommended to remove standing water that may leave marks in the paint during baking.  Under no circumstances should the body be rewet after 3 minutes of air drying: water beading will occur which will result in severe marking of the electrocoat during bake. 去离子水洗后,烘干之前,推荐用一运输链驼峰,至少沥液5分钟,与除去在烘干过程中可在漆面上流下痕迹的水份。在空气干燥3分钟后决不能使车身再被溅湿,不然将产生水滴,会导致电泳涂层在烘干过程中产生严重的斑迹。 The conveyor from the fresh D. I. water rinse to the oven must be tunneled to prevent the accumulation of dirt on the unit. This enclosure should have adequate ventilation to prevent condensation from contaminating the unit. 从此新鲜去离子洗到烘干室的运输链必须要通过隧道,以保护工件不落上灰尘及产生缩孔的物质。此封闭去要有良好的空气流通以防止凝结引起漆膜缺陷。

DI or RO Water


Deionized or R/O water must be supplied to fill and maintain water level in the dip tank and for the final rinse. The water must meet the following specifications: 必须供应 足够的去离子水或反渗透水,以注满及维持浸槽的水位和供电泳车身的最后冲洗,水质必须符合下列规范: Conductivity:                           Less than 25 micromhos 电导率                                              小于25us/cm Carbonates and Bicarbonates:        No Residual 碳酸盐和碳酸氢盐                           无残留 Silica:                                Less than 1 PPM. 二氧化硅                                         小于1ppm Amines:                      Less than 1 PPM. 胺                                                      小于1ppm pH Range:                         Not Reliable (Non-buffered) pH值                                                不要求 If deionizers are used, strong acid/strong base deionizers are recommended; they are capable of producing water with conductivity of less than 10 micromhos. DI water should be monitored continuously and laboratory checked twice per shift to confirm quality. 如果使用脱离子剂,推荐使用强酸/强碱离子交换设备,这类设备能提供电到滤小于10us/cm的水。要对去离子水连续监测,且每班要进行两次试验室检测,以保证恒定的水质。 A  DI water storage tank of 3,000 to 10,000 gallons (11,000 to 38,000 liters) is recommended to maintain a consistent supply during production. Epoxy coated mild steel or fiber-glass has  proved satisfactory for tank construction. The feed pump from this tank should be wired into the emergency electrical generator to permit availability of DI water in critical areas during power outages. 建议去离子水储槽容积为3000-10000加仑(11-38m2), 以维持生产使用。储槽结构以涂覆环氧或用玻璃钢材质可获得满意的效果。此槽的输水泵要与紧急安全发电机相接,以便在停电期间也能为关键工位供应去离子水。 PPG laboratory work can not establish harmful effects on the electrocoat bath at silica levels below 10 PPM. PPG的试验取样工作之二氧化硅含量低于10ppm的水平不对电泳槽液造成影响。


本文标签:电泳涂装  去离子水  反渗透水  

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