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1224 人参与  2011年11月24日 01:00  分类 : 电泳工艺 电泳原理  评论

 Deionized Water去离子水

Deionization is a process by which tap or raw water is made suitable for use in an electrocoat bath. Deionization is far more economical than distillation or reverse osmosis in commercial operations. 去离子水是一种将自来水或生水经处理后制成适合配电泳漆槽液用的水。 去离子工艺在工业成本方面远比 蒸馏水或反渗透水经济得多。 Distillation is achieved by boiling and then recondensing water to remove insoluble contaminants; reverse osmosis uses a membrane separation process to accomplish the same purpose. 蒸馏是把水煮沸然后冷凝除去不溶性杂质;反渗透是使用膜分离工艺达到同样的目的。 Deionization removes ionizable minerals from tap water by passing the water through ion-exchange beds. Both a strong acid cation bed and a strong base anion bed are required to remove all of the ions in the water. 去离子是使自来水通过离子交换柱除去可离子的矿物质。此工艺需同时使用一强酸性阳离子交换柱和一强碱性阴离子交换柱以除去水中所有离子。 During the first step of the deionization process, cations (such as calcium, magnesium, and sodium) are exchanged for hydrogen ions. During the second step, the anions (such as chloride, sulphate, and silica) are exchanged for hydroxide ions. The hydrogen and hydroxl ions combine to form water (H2O).  Factors such as the chemical composition of the incoming water, temperature, and operating pressure all play a role in determining how well the ions will exchange. 在去离子的第一步,阳离子(例如钙,镁,钠)被H+ (氢离子)置换, 第二步, 阴离子(例如氯化物, 硫酸盐,二氧化硅)都被OH-(氢氧根离子)置换,   H+和OH-结合生成水。(HO)。进水的化学成分,温度,操作压力等因素是离子交换工艺中的重要参数。 Over a period of years, a standard has been developed regarding the required purity of water used in an electrocoat system. These standards have been mutually developed by the paint manufacturers and the end users. 多年前,关于电泳漆系统用水的纯度的标准已被定出,而这些标准是由油漆制造厂 和最终用户共同开发和订立的。 The standard water purity for present cationic paint systems is 10 micromhos or 100,000 ohms. The ohm is a unit of resistance; the mho is a measure of conductance. (Mho is simply Ohm spelled backwards.) If the water quality rises above 25 micromhos, paint contamination may occur. Water that is less than 25 micromhos will cause no problem nor will it enhance the system operation. 目前,对阳离子漆(阴极电泳漆)系统的水纯度标准是10微姆欧或100000欧姆,欧姆是一个电阻单位,姆欧是导电性的计量单位(姆欧是欧姆的简单倒拼)。如果水质的电导率大于25 微姆欧, 槽液可能被污染。 水质低于25 微姆欧就不会引起什么问题,但也不会提供系统的水平。 Deionized water is used in electrocoat tanks to prevent paint contamination. The presence of mineral contaminants causes two problems: 为了防止漆液被污染, 电泳槽中要用去离子水。无机杂质会引起两个问题: Minerals present during electrocoating affect appearance and corrosion resistance. 在电泳过程中无机物的存在会影响涂膜的外观和抗腐蚀性。 Disassociated minerals have an electrical charge. They migrate and consume current which could be used for paint deposition. Because pure water is a good solvent, it is used for bath make-up, for final rinsing  of the electrocoat film, and after the phosphate machine to remove pretreatment contamination. 游离的无机物 带电荷,它们泳动并消耗用于涂漆的电能。 因为纯水是良好的溶剂,所以被 用于电泳槽液的配制, 电泳涂膜的最终淋洗及磷化后除去前处理残留物 The ability of a deionizer to exchange ions is reduced with continued operation,  and a point is reached where it finally becomes exhausted. When this point is reached, it can be regenerated with strong acid and strong base. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and liquid sodium hydroxide (NaOH) are the preferred materials for such use. Flake sodium hydroxide should not be used because it causes valve plugging. After the bed is regenerated, all acid and base (even trace amounts) must be flushed from the system. Any remaining acid or base materials will have a devastating effect on the electrocoat bath. 离子交换的能力会随连续运行而降低, 最后达到失效点。这时,可用强酸和强碱再生。 为此, 盐酸(HCL)和氢氧化钠(NaOH)溶液是推荐选用的材料, 决不能用片状NaOH, 因为它会引起阀门堵塞。交换柱再生之后,必须将所有的酸,碱(即使是微量)从系统中冲洗干净。 任何残留的酸碱,将对电泳槽液有破坏性影响。


本文标签:电泳涂装  去离子水  

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