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1185 人参与  2012年02月19日 00:00  分类 : 电泳设备 电泳设备工艺  评论

电泳涂装线烘干时的注意事项中英对照版  Baking          烘干

Electrocoat primers must be baked and completely cured before the application of subsequent paint films. The bake temperature is dependent upon the specific product in use and must comply with the customers' requirements based on their actual process and related materials. 在喷涂后续的涂层之前,电泳漆必须烘干和完全固化。烘干温度取决于所用的电泳其产品种类同时必须遵从客户基于他们实际的工艺过程和相关 原材料的的需求。 The design which results in the cleanest oven incorporates a radiant wall and convection zone configuration; the first 30-40% of the oven length should provide radiant heat with minimal air movement. All ovens should be designed with open access to hot air plenums to facilitate cleaning. In convection zones, the hot air feed should enter the oven through a particulate filtration system to reduce dirt. Bottom entry, floor-conveyor-type ovens are preferable to other types: these ovens produce a natural heat seal and minimize dirt formation. 最干净烘干室的设计是装一辐射壁与对流段相结合,即在烘干室长度的30-40%外入口端为空气对流微弱的辐射加热。所有烘干室的开口都要设计有强制的热空气幕,有利于清洁,在对流段内,热空气在进入烘干室之前都要经过特种过滤系统,以减少尘埃,底部入口地面运输室的烘干是优于其它类型,这种烘干室 形成一自然的热封风幕,能减少灰尘的产生。 Fresh air make-up in the oven should be 25-35% of the open volume per minute. 向烘干室补给新鲜空气量一般室烘干室循环量(标准立方尺/分)的25-35%。


本文标签:烘干  电泳涂装线  

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